Is it Legal to Fly a “Fuck Biden Flag” on Your Property?
It seems so. The First Amendment makes it illegal for government bodies to restrict the expression of obscene ideas. This includes the American flag, as the Supreme Court ruled in the 1969 case Tinker v Des Moines Independent Community School District. Moreover, the ACLU has argued that the city of Blue Rapids’ prosecution of David Sain for displaying a ‘Fuck Biden’ flag on his private property violates his right to free speech.Read
Despite this, there are some signs and bumper stickers in the area that say “Fuck Biden.” And they’re not just from conservatives. It’s not easy to be a Democrat in the area. The union town of Gettysburg was founded by union soldiers, and the region is rife with Confederate symbols and a gun culture that can make women feel unsafe.
Controversial Symbols: Decoding the “F*ck Biden” Flag
Noble says he knows it’s hard for people in the area to switch parties, but he thinks if Democrats want to compete nationally, they have to show they’re listening. And that means making Republicans work harder for the margins they enjoy.
The White House says the “Fuck Biden” flag controversy has no bearing on the administration’s support for LGBTQ rights, which was highlighted by Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s urging of U.S. embassies to display the rainbow flag during Pride month. In fact, the administration opposes the red-flag law tucked into the massive funding package that Biden signed Saturday and has promised to find ways to repeal it.